A Simple Process to Real Estate Photography

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Give us a call or book online when you acquire a new listing. We will guide you through the process & setup your session.

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Join us on site for the photo shoot or stay home and relax. Either way, your photos will look perfect.

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Effortlessly download the finished photos from the cloud. Show them off, sell the home, & take all the credit!

Baltimore, MD, Real Estate Photographers


Baltimore, MD, has a thriving real estate market, and the city’s real estate photographers are adding even more value with stunning listing photographs. The market has become increasingly competitive with more homes being sold and the average price of homes rising steadily.

Baltimore has one of the highest sales growth rates in the region, but it’s still one of the most affordable cities to live in. Neighborhoods like Canton, Riverside and Belair-Edison are among the most popular for home buyers.

With the highly competitive market in the city, hiring a Baltimore, MD, real estate photographer is now an essential part of selling a home. Here are some of the reasons you should invest in Baltimore, MD real estate photography.

Why You Need a Baltimore, MD Real Estate Photographer

In Baltimore, most of your clients will expect to sell their homes quickly since the real estate market has been experiencing a recent boom. This means you need real estate photographers in Baltimore to help you:

  • Take professional photographs with sharp contrast and unique angles that will quickly draw the best buyers
  • Edit photographs to present an environment with a strong emotional appeal
  • Use the best DSLR cameras and lenses to create wide-angle photos that home buyers love

Benefits of Hiring a Baltimore Real Estate Photographer

So, why can’t you just take the pictures yourself? There are several benefits to hiring a professional real estate photographer, including:

Eye-Catching Photos That Convert:

When potential buyers view your listing on sites like Zillow or Trulia, you have less than 20 seconds to make an excellent first impression. You need to capture their attention with stunning photos of the property. So, you can’t afford to use amateur images taken with your smartphone or point-and-shoot camera.

Images That Reveal the Best Selling Points:

It takes the skills and experience of a professional real estate photographer to create front views that reveal excellent curb appeal. Photographers will also give you all the preparatory instructions you need to make the property ready for a splendid photo session.

Power to Negotiate a Higher Price:

It’s possible to raise prices of high-end or luxury homes significantly when you market your listing with top-notch professional photographs or aerial tours.

Quicker Sales:

Homes with attractive, well-taken professional photos won’t spend a long time on the MLS. They usually attract more leads and inquiries. So, you can expect them to be sold within a month.

What Techniques and Services Do We Offer?

After we complete the photography session on site, the images go through several quality control checks. We offer a professional editing process that produces exceptional quality to make your listing sell faster. Our editing process provides the following benefits:

Blue Skies:

Blue skies enhance the external beauty of a home. We can photograph a property in any weather, but we always provide a carefully selected blue sky background for each listing.

Perspective Correction:

All photos come out level and upright. After photographing each room with the best vantage points, our editors will rectify all crooked images.

Accurate Whites:

White walls, ceilings and moldings are part of many luxury homes, and we do our best to ensure they appear perfect in the photographs of your listings.

Twilight Conversion:

This service is optional, but it creates a fantastic evening sky with a glow coming from the home’s windows. We can give every home unique twilight conversions without the need to come in the evening for a twilight photo session.

Take the next step and schedule a photo session for your property listing today.

Ready to Book? Have Questions? - Contact Us Now!


Jimmy Plessinger

President, real estate exposures

Professional photography and virtual media has been proven to sell listings faster and for more money. At Real Estate Exposures we know this is your livelihood -- you're in great hands!